
Some of the products I feature are products sent to me by companies to test out. I mark these products: *pr

Sometimes companies ask me to mention specific keywords about their products or use a certain hashtag (instagram) I will mark these products: *ad 

If there is a mix of both I will write that on the post.

If I have purchased the product myself I will state that on the post or if there is nothing wriiten on the post I have bought the item. I buy a lot of the products I feature myself as well as having items sent to me.

All my product links at the moment are “Non affiliate” I do not recieve any money when you click on a link I recommend.  

*Affiliate links: are links to products on other websites which if your purchase the item a small comission is made (I may set this up in the future to help me with the running costs of this website) 

I will always write as much info on each item to be completly transparent about each post.