Super Facialist

Super Facialist

Hi there everyone, I just wanted to say to stay safe in this very uncertain time we’re having at the moment x

I’ve been trying out Super Facialist retinol anti ageing range which they very kindly sent me to try out.
The day cream has Hyaluronic acid to hydrate, Shea butter to moisturise, white tea extract for cell regeneration & white lupin seed extract for firmness & elasticity. A wonderful light cream with a nice fragrance, it sunk immediately into my skin with no stickiness at all, this is also suitable for vegetarians & vegans.
The Anti-Ageing night cream is a lovely thick cream with the same nice fragrance containing hydrating Hyaluronic acid to boost collagen & retinol to help reduce lines & wrinkles also suitable for vegetarians & vegans.
The tonic lotion is so refreshing containing exfoliating glycolic acid for a brighter skin
complexion, anti ageing retinol & aloe vera to sooth. Can be used AM & PM. suitable for vegetarians & vegans.
Sulerfacialist recommend if retinol is new to you to start using every third day, then alternate days for a week then every day so your skin gets used to it gradually.
I’ll do another post with info about the booster & the cleanser
Thank you superfacialist for letting me try these out.

Take care everyone


Super Facialist