Pure Elixir Supplements: Review

Pure Elixir Supplements: Review

Hey Beauties, how are you doing today? I’m getting the paint out & i’m going to be doing a bit of painting in my son’s bedroom & landing area to freshen it up for christmas. What are you doing today?
When @pureelixir reached out to see if I wanted to try their supplements I was very happy to try them as they have various types which focus on specific needs.
There’s a month’s supply of 30 capsules in each box & the boxes are so cute they stack on top of each other & they pull out with ribbon like a mini drawer. To see a video of this check out my Instagram post!
Varieties are Smart Age Supplement, Smart Sleep Supplement & Smart Focus Supplement. I’m happy to share with you today the Smart Focus Supplement as it’s something I definitely need in my life!! I’ve been using them for about a week now & It’s hard to say after only a week but I am feeling more energised & I got back on my runner this week for the first time in a while! I’ll look forward to trying the sleep & age ones out soon as I haven’t tried those yet.
Smart Focus Key Ingredients:

•Siberian Ginseng Extract for increased energy
•Beetroot powder to help improve athletic performance and endurance
•Ashwagandha Extract To manage stress, lower blood sugar levels, reduce cortisol & boost brain function
•Rhodiola Rosea Powder to help fight mental & physical fatigue.
•L-Citrulline, to increase blood flow around the body, delivering more oxygen, for increased endurance and energy
•Vitamin B12, is an essential vitamin that your body needs but cannot produce. helps boost energy and improve memory.
Next is the smart sleep supplement containing:
* multi strain probiotics which help with vitamin absorption, boosted immunity giving a more restful sleep.
* 5-HTP which increases melatonin production & regulates sleep.
* High Grade Montmorency Cherry Extract to help reduce insomnia & is anti inflammatory.
* 4 billion multi strain probiotic bacteria
* Lemon Balm – which is anti inflammatory, an antioxidant & reduces stress.
* Chamomile – To calm
Finally Smart Age Supplement for smoother, plumped & younger looking skin & contains:
Marine collagen, Vitamin C, Hyaluronic Acid, Vitamin E & tomato extract.

