Handmade Loofah Soap


Good morning lovelies & hope you’re to you. I have this soap from viridisorganics which I’ve been using. I like that it’s got loofah embedded in it which is great to exfoliate the skin. Anything that multi tasks I love & this cleanses & exfoliates at the same time so loving that. I use this in the shower as a body exfoliate. It contains activated charcoal which is derived from coconut shells & helps draw out toxins from the skin, tea tree which is an anti inflammatory & antiseptic so is excellent for spot prone skin. It also contains Shea butter, coco butter, coconut oil & olive oil so beautifully moisturising too. It smells gorgeous. They are handmade, organic, eco friendly with no plastic & no palm oil. Thank you viridisorganics on Etsy for sending this over. *gifted

Enjoy your day everyone!

loofah soap, Organic, Etsy
Loofah soap, Viridis Organics
Loofah handmade soap